
Hi   I invite you to join us at our next Encounter with Jesus Event in beautiful Jamaica. For more info and to reserve your spot click here.

     Two thousand years ago, Jesus had an encounter with a woman at a well (John 4). He drew her closer to Him. Then, she drew many in her city to Him. (John 4:39) Jesus wants to have an encounter with you too!

      Do you desire:

  • more of Jesus?; 
  • more of God's power flowing freely in you and through you?; 
  • physical and/or inner healing?;
  • a fresh understanding of God's call on your life?;
  • to see revival in our land? ("Revival reverses economic decay and destruction. God restores." Vance K. Jackson) (It starts in your heart and home).
  • to play your part in fulfilling the Great Rescue Mission? (Matt. 28:18-20) The woman at the well, had a personal revival and her life was not the same. We know by the fruit of what happened in her city! John 4:39 "And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on Him for the saying of the woman..." KJV
  • restoration of what the enemy has stolen? ( Please know, God is faithful and willing to restore all that the enemy has stolen.)
  • to minister healing and freedom to others? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then join me at the next Encounter Weekend. Sign up here to be placed on our Waiting List for the next Encounter Event.

      An Encounter Weekend is an experience designed to activate, by God's grace, spiritual renewal and inner healing in a weekend of intimacy with Jesus.

     It is a life-transforming experience that includes carefully curated and anointed teaching (keys to receiving healing for body, soul and spirit) and music. Time is also included for personal reflection and prayer. 

If you would like to placed on the waiting list for our next Encounter, please click here.


"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound," Isaiah 61:1 AMP


      Who we are and what we do....

     Journey to Renewal Ministries LLC is a nondenominational Christian ministry.  We look to serve the Body of Christ by facilitating spiritual renewal and restoration of families and training and equipping others in making disciples of Christ.

     The Encounter facilitators are Andrea and Michael Meyer. They both have a calling as Revivalists and gifting to apply the work of the Cross, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to see lives healed, transformed and families restored as part of the Great Rescue Mission (Matt. 28:18-20)

    What participants have said about their Encounter experience....

  • "For the first time in my life since I've been walking with Jesus, I don't feel condemned all the time and the extreme sense I'm going to hell when I don't walk perfectly. The cloud of fear has lifted. The anxiety lifted. I can think clearly. I was experiencing pain in my body that completely disappeared. I'm so grateful. The curse of barrenness has been broken and I'm able to really believe that it's not too late and God can and will restore what the canker worm and locust have eaten and that He will settle me in my home as a joyful mother of children."

---Jamie Copeland


  • "Excited to be joining you for this retreat again soon! Since the first retreat, I have experienced freedom and healing from major depression (which I had been combating for over a year) and seasonal depression (SAD) which I have struggled with for 30+ years!!! Praying that many more women will be blessed by this powerful ministry." 💕

---Anna H

  • "The Encounter gave me a better appreciation for and understanding of forgiving and letting go. I released pain and hurt I had buried thinking burying it had released it. I also now understand the importance of the Word and staying in the Word."


  • "Andrea, I've been wanting to tell you that God has used you in such a powerful way in my life. His Word and worship is back in my home! The Holy Spirit healed a wound that was so deep, and now I have joy again through his Word and worship music! You are changing women's lives. You are walking out your purpose. Love you very much. Something else that God brought me through you is obedience. Continue to push forward. God's plans are perfect. Have a beautiful day "😘"
---Myra R.
  • "So much freedom! I just know my heart and mind are different, clearly changed! Praise The Lord! Deeper obedience out of His love. Thank you." 💌 

---Gail S

  • "The Encounter is a God-breathed opportunity for us to grow. It's miraculous, actually!"

---Judith Hamilton

More of what participants have said about the Encounter

     For more info, please visit our FAQ's page.

Giving options:

Got any questions or having a hard time registering? Then I, Andrea Meyer, will be more than happy to assist.

Scan the code below to text and I will get you set up!