Andrea’s BIO

Revivalist** Andrea Meyer

"My passion is to engage in my role in fulfilling the Great Rescue Mission (Matt 28:18-20), by reaching multitudes of women around the world with the love of Jesus and facilitating spiritual renewal and restoration of families, through the Encounters with Jesus events."

My Testimony

"I didn't want to go to church that Wednesday evening,  but I didn't want to go home and be alone either. That evening, as the Pastor was concluding the meeting, I felt a supernatural presence I knew had to be God. My thought was, God was fed up with me and was there to kill me. Instead, for what seemed like an eternity, God's power poured into me through the top of my head like liquid electricity and then coursed throughout my entire body. I didn't know it then, but Jesus had rescued me."

"Since that Wednesday night, over two decades ago, through the Encounters with Jesus events, God has used me to facilitate spiritual renewal, life transformation and restoration in the lives of countless women and their families. By His grace, Encounter participants are also testifying to physical healing as well." {Here are a few of their transformation and healing stories.} " I give all honor and praise for this to God and God alone."


Andrea Meyer’s story begins in the island nation of Jamaica. Raised by her maternal grandparents, Mrs. Meyer, born Andrea King, was on the corporate fast track earning a Master’s degree in Accounting and Chartered Accountant status. Her life was perfect—or so some people thought. She cruised up the corporate ladder advancing quickly, but something was missing. In June 2000, Andrea, who had long rebelled against her Christian upbringing, responded to an invitation to attend Hosanna Praise Tabernacle in Kingston. That night she had a dramatic conversion experience and from that moment on, she has not wavered in her pursuit of Jesus.

In the summer of 2002 after a short courtship, Andrea married Michael. He is an ordained AG minister and they have three sons. This union began a journey that led the couple from working with a pastor who has the 2nd largest church in the world to working in the trenches with at-risk youth.

Andrea currently leads Journey to Renewal Ministries which she founded in 2017 started The Refreshing Hour online church community, pastored by her husband.

Credit: Michael Oatman

“Andrea has been beside me in ministry and I can tell you she is powerful. There is an anointing on her life and when she begins to engage in ministry to help people, the Spirit of God begins to move and she moves in the gifts; she has a prophetic flow; she sees things; she hears the heart of God; she speaks life into death; she speaks truth into lies; and she brings blessings where there aren’t.” - Rev. Michael Meyer

"As her early spiritual mentor, I kept encouraging her to attend church until one Wednesday evening, she attended our Bible Study at Hosanna Praise Tabernacle and then the spiritual breakthrough came in her life. Her spiritual development was as dramatic as the Apostle Paul's, who was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit almost instantaneously. Andrea's spiritual life grew by leaps and bounds and within months of spiritual rebirth, Andrea's gifting was recognized by the church. She began ministering and praying for the healing of persons. Within a year, she began preaching, and every time she ministered, not only was the church packed, but several persons were saved, healed and slain in the Spirit." - Rev. Dr. Orville Neil


**Revivalist**  A Revivalist is "a believer who is focused and passionate, willing to pay any price to live in community, purity and power because they are loved by God, whose manifest presence transforms lives and cultures." *

*BSSM Handbook 2016_2017 []